Network UPS Tools (NUT)
Configuration Examples
- Read the Configuration Examples — This 131 page A5 booklet in PDF
format provides a detailed description of the configuration of NUT
for different uses on Debian and other systems. Version 3.0 covers
NUT 2.8.0, RFC 9271 and full TLS support.
- Part 1 covers basic configurations,
- Part 2 describes TLS support for releases 2.7.4, 2.8.0 and mixed
release installations.
- Download — a Python3 script for a daemon which
provides NUT release 2.7.4 upsd with up-to-date TLS support.
- Download — a Python3 script for a daemon which
provides NUT release 2.7.4 upsmon with up-to-date TLS support.
- Download — a Python3 script to generate TLS
certificates suitable for NUT 2.8.0, the NUT 2.7.4 TLS helper scripts
and Python3 script UPSmon.
- Part 3 provides appendices covering systemd and some useful
utility programs.
- Part 4 describes UPS monitoring using a Python3 script to replace
upsmon, upssched and upssched-cmd.
- Download — a Python3 script for a daemon to replace
NUT's upsmon, upssched and upssched-cmd.
- Download — a Python3 script to generate a
configuration file for This configuration covers simple
standard and timed shutdowns.
- Download the nut-journal script directly
from here.
- Download the nut-report script directly
from here.
- 2018-02-06 : Restructured my NUT documentation.
- 2020-10-19 : Added Python3 scripts. Updated ConfigExamples.
- 2022-09-07 : Updated ConfigExamples and python scripts to support
TLS 1.3. Retired the openSUSE page.
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2022-11-10 17:41:26 CET